• Relational Database - Codd's Rules
    Relational Database - Codd's Rules !!!

    A relational database management system (RDBMS) is a database management system (DBMS) that is based on the relational model as introduced by E. F. Codd. Most popular commercial and open source databases currently in use are based on the relational database model.

    A short definition of an RDBMS may be a DBMS in which data is stored in the form of tables and the relationship among the data is also stored in the form of tables.

    Codd's Rules
    • All database management must take place using the relational database's innate functionality
    • All information in the database must be stored as values in a table
    • All database information must be accessible through the combination of a table name, primary key and column name.
    • The database must use NULL values to indicate missing or unknown information
    • The database schema must be described using the relational database syntax
    • The database may support multiple languages, but it must support at least one language that provides full database functionality (e.g. SQL)
    • The system must be able to update all updatable views
    • The database must provide single-operation insert, update and delete functionality

    • Changes to the physical structure of the database must be transparent to applications and users.
    • Changes to the logical structure of the database must be transparent to applications and users.
    • The database must natively support integrity constraints.
    • Changes to the distribution of the database (centralized vs. distributed) must be transparent to applications and users.
    • Any languages supported by the database must not be able to subvert integrity controls.

    Tags: database, table, DBMS, RDBMS, columns, Codd, E. F. Codd, rules, oracle, data


  • Apt-Get command line tool
    Apt-Get command line tool
    (Ubuntu's Advanced Packaging Tool) !!!

    The apt-get command is a powerful command-line tool used to work with Ubuntu's Advanced Packaging Tool (APT) performing such functions as installation of new software packages, upgrade of existing software packages, updating of the package list index, and even upgrading the entire Ubuntu system.

    *Install package
    #sudo apt-get install packagename

    *Remove Package
    #sudo apt-get remove packagename

    *Install Multiple Packages
    #sudo apt-get install packagename1 packagename2 packagename3

    *Update the Package Index
    #sudo apt-get update

    The APT package index is essentially a database of available packages from the repositories defined in the /etc/apt/sources.list file.

    *Upgrade the system
    #sudo apt-get upgrade

    *Read Debian APT User Manual
    #sudo apt-get help

    Tags: apt get apt-get advanced packaging tool install remove upgrade update help ubuntu linux unix package-management

  • Port Numbers - Linux
    PORTS NUMBERS : Just as the physical address (MAC address) and the logical address (IP address) helps to route the traffic to a particular machine on a network, it is the port that identifies which service on the machine this traffic is destined to.

    List of ports : /etc/services

    A port on a specific computer is called a socket. It can be open, closed, listening or have a connection established.

    ###Important PORT NUMBERS to remember:

    20 - FTP - data transfer
    21 - FTP - control (command)
    22 - SSH
    23 - Telnet
    25 - SMTP
    37 - Time
    43 - WHOIS
    42 - WINS
    53 - DNS
    67 - BOOTp
    68 - DHCP
    69 - TFTP
    79 - FINGER
    80 - HTTP (WWW)
    88 - Kerberose
    101 - HOSTNAME
    110 - POP3
    111 - rpcbind
    119 - NNTP
    123 - NTP (Time)
    137 - NetBios (nmbd)
    139 - NetBios ( Samba)
    143 - IMAP/Dovecot
    161 - SNMP
    180 - RIS
    220 - IMAP3
    389 - LDAP
    443 - HTTPs
    500 - Internet Key Exchange (IKE), IPSec
    520 - RIP
    546 - DHCPV6 client
    547 - DHCPV6 server
    554 - rtsp(Real Time Stream Protocol, Audio/Video)
    631 - Printing (ipp)
    744 - Flexlm
    901 - SWAT
    953 - rndc
    993 - IMAPSecure
    995 - POPs
    999 - POP over SSL/TLS
    2049 - NFS
    2082 - CPANEL
    2083 - CPANEL Secure SSL/TLS
    2086 - CPANEL WHM
    2087 - CPANEL WHM Secure/SSL
    2095 - CPANEL Webmail
    2096 - CPANEL Webmail Secure/SSL
    2222 - Direct Admin Control Panel
    2401 - CVSP server
    3268 - AD Global Catalog
    3269 - AD Global Catalog over SSL
    3306 - MySQL Server
    3389 - Terminal services (rdp-remote desktop protocol)
    4643 - Virtusso Power Panel
    (6000 - X11
    8443 - Pleask Control Panel
    9999 - Urchin
    10000- Webmin Control Panel
    21018- Skype

    TAG: port, portnumber, port-numbers, tcp, udp, network, service, services, linux, socket, communication, transmission, dataflow, rhce, ubuntu, unix, red hat, red-hat, redhat



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