• Convert Microsoft SQL Server databases to MySQL databases

    ' this program converts Microsoft SQL Server databases to MySQL databases

    ' (c) 2001-2005 Michael Kofler
    ' http://www.kofler.cc/mysql
    ' mssql2mysql-at-kofler.cc

    ' LICENSE: GPL (Gnu Public License)
    ' VERSION: 0.12 (Mar 31st 2005)
    ' HISTORY:
    ' 0.01 (Jan. 18 2001): initial version
    ' 0.02 (June 23 2001): better handling of decimal numbers
    ' by
    ' 0.03 (August 7 2001): compatibility with Office 97
    ' by
    ' (uncomment Replace function at the end of the script!)
    ' 0.04 (September 30 2001): slightly faster (ideas by
    ' janivar-at-acos.no)
    ' 0.05 (April 8 2002): compatible with MyODBC 3.51
    ' (set variable MyODBCVersion accordingly!)
    ' thanks to Silvio Iaccarino
    ' 0.05a (October 17 2002): support for BIGINT
    ' thanks to Ugo Gioia
    ' 0.06 (December 18 2002): support for adBinary (thanks to Roberto Alicata)
    ' changed handling of TIMESTAMP (Michael Kofler):
    ' 0.07 (Jan. 27th 2003): support no-standard ports for MySQL
    ' 0.08 (Apr. 30th 2003): Boolean now converts to 1/0 instead of -1/0
    ' for True/False (Michael Kofler)
    ' 0.09 (Aug. 19th 2003): better GUID conversion (Hermann Wiesner)
    ' 0.10 (Nov. 12th 2003): better handling of table and field names
    ' in function MySQLName (Carlo)
    ' 0.11 (Mar. 2nd 2005): needs MySQL 4.1 or higher!
    ' new functions: - supports myisam and innodb tables
    ' - per default all text columns are now created with character
    ' set utf8and collation utf8_general_ci; you may choose another
    ' charset + collation (constants CHARSET and COLLATION)
    ' 0.12 (Mar. 31st 2005): ignores hypothetical indexes (thanks to Brian K. Andersen)

    ' USEAGE:
    ' 1) copy this code into a new VBA 6 module
    ' (i.e. start Excel 2000 or Word 2000 or another
    ' program with VBA editor, hit Alt+F11, execute
    ' Insert|Module, insert code)
    ' OR copy code into an empty form of a new VB6 project
    ' 2) change the constants at the beginning of the code,
    ' 3) hit F5 and execute Main()
    ' the program now connects to Microsoft SQL Server
    ' and converts the database; the resulting SQL commands
    ' are either saved in an ASCII file or executed immediately

    ' converts both schema (tables and indices) and
    ' data (numbers, strings, dates etc.)
    ' handles table and column names which are not legal in MySQL (see MySQLName())

    ' no foreign keys
    ' no SPs, no triggers (MSSQL syntax incompatible to MySQL)
    ' no views
    ' no user defined data types (not yet supported by MySQL)
    ' AUTO_INCREMENTs: MySQL does not support tables with more
    ' than one AUTO_INCREMENT column; the AUTO_INCREMENT column
    ' must also be a key column; the converter does not check this,
    ' so use MSSQL to add an index to the AUTO_INCREMENT column
    ' before starting the conversion
    ' no privileges/access infos (the idea of logins/users in M$ SQL Server
    ' is incompatible with user/group/database/table/column
    ' privileges of MySQL)
    ' cannot handle ADO type adFileTime yet
    ' GUIDs not tested
    ' fairly slow and no visible feedback during conversion process
    ' for example, it takes 80 seconds to convert Northwind (2.8 MB data)
    ' with M$SQL running on PII 350 (CPU=0) and this script running in
    ' Excel 2000 on PII 400 (CPU=100); unfortunately, compiling the program
    ' with VB6 does not make it any faster
    ' tip: test with MAX_RECORDS = 10 first to see if it works for you at all

    ' method: read database schema using DMO
    ' read data using a ADO recordset

    ' ADODB (tested with 2.8, should also run with all versions >=2.1)
    ' Connector/ODBC (testet with 3.51.11, should also run with older versions;
    ' if you use MySQL server >= 4.1,
    ' you MUST use Connector/ODBC >= 3.51.10!!!)
    ' SQLDMO (tested with the version provided by M$ SQL Server 2000)

    Option Explicit
    Option Compare Text

    ' -------------- change these constants before use!

    'M$ SQL Server
    Const MSSQL_SECURE_LOGIN = True 'login type (True for NT security)
    Const MSSQL_LOGIN_NAME = "" 'login name (for NT security use "" here)
    Const MSSQL_PASSWORD = "" 'password (for NT security use "" here)
    Const MSSQL_HOST = "(local)" 'hostname of M$ SQL Server; if localhost: use "(local)"
    Const MSSQL_DB_NAME = "Northwind" 'database name

    Const OUTPUT_TO_FILE = 0 '1 --> write file (latin1 encoding);
    '0 --> connect to MySQL, execute SQL commands directly

    'output file (only needed if OUTPUT_TO_FILE=1)
    Const OUTPUT_FILENAME = "c:\export.sql"

    'connect to MySQL (only needed if OUTPUT_TO_FILE=0)
    Const MYSQL_USER_NAME = "root" 'login name
    Const MYSQL_PASSWORD = "uranus" 'password
    Const MYSQL_HOST = "" 'if localhost: use "localhost"
    Const MYSQL_PORT = 3306 'change if you use another port
    Const MyODBCVersion = "MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver"
    'for MyODBC 2.51.* use "MySQL"

    Const NEW_DB_NAME = "" 'name of new MySQL database ("" if same as M$SQL db name)
    'conversion options
    Const DROP_DATABASE = True 'begin with DROP dbname?
    Const MAX_RECORDS = 0 'max. nr of records per table (0 for all records, n for testing purposes)
    Const VARCHAR_MAX = 255 'max. nr of characters in VARCHAR
    '255 for MySQL <=5.0.2
    'ca. 32000 for MySQL >= 5.0.3 (depends on char. set, max. 65535 bytes)
    Const TABLE_ENGINE = "InnoDB" 'MyISAM or InnoDB
    Const CHARSET = "utf8" 'character set for all text columns
    Const COLLATION = "" 'collation; leave empty if you want to use the default collation for
    'the specified character set

    ' ----------------------------- don't change below here (unless you know what you are doing)

    Const SQLDMOIndex_DRIPrimaryKey = 2048
    Const SQLDMOIndex_Unique = 2
    Const adEmpty = 0
    Const adTinyInt = 16
    Const adSmallInt = 2
    Const adInteger = 3
    Const adBigInt = 20
    Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17
    Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18
    Const adUnsignedInt = 19
    Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21
    Const adSingle = 4
    Const adDouble = 5
    Const adCurrency = 6
    Const adDecimal = 14
    Const adNumeric = 131
    Const adBoolean = 11
    Const adError = 10
    Const adUserDefined = 132
    Const adVariant = 12
    Const adIDispatch = 9
    Const adIUnknown = 13
    Const adGUID = 72
    Const adDate = 7
    Const adDBDate = 133
    Const adDBTime = 134
    Const adDBTimeStamp = 135
    Const adBSTR = 8
    Const adChar = 129
    Const adVarChar = 200
    Const adLongVarChar = 201
    Const adWChar = 130
    Const adVarWChar = 202
    Const adLongVarWChar = 203
    Const adBinary = 128
    Const adVarBinary = 204
    Const adLongVarBinary = 205
    Const adChapter = 136
    Const adFileTime = 64
    Const adPropVariant = 138
    Const adVarNumeric = 139
    Const adArray = &H2000

    Public dmoApplic 'As New SQLDMO.Application 'SQLDMO Application object
    Public dmoSrv 'As New SQLDMO.SQLServer 'SQLDMO Server object
    Public mssqlConn 'As New Connection 'ADO Connection to M$ SQL Server
    Public mysqlConn 'As New Connection 'ADO Connection to MySQL
    Public fso 'As Scripting.FileSystemObject
    Public fileout 'AS FSO.TextStream

    Public Sub Main()
    Set dmoApplic = CreateObject("SQLDMO.Application")
    Set dmoSrv = CreateObject("SQLDMO.SQLServer")
    Set mssqlConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set mysqlConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
    Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
    MsgBox "done"
    End Sub

    ' connect to M$ SQL Server and MySQL
    Private Sub ConnectToDatabases()
    dmoSrv.LoginTimeout = 10
    On Error Resume Next

    ' DMO connection to M$ SQL Server
    dmoSrv.LoginSecure = True
    dmoSrv.Connect MSSQL_HOST
    dmoSrv.LoginSecure = False
    End If
    If Err Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, cannot connect to M$ SQL Server. " & _
    "Please edit the MSSQL constats at the beginning " & _
    "of the code." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error
    End If

    ' ADO connection to M$ SQL Server
    Dim tmpCStr$
    tmpCStr = _
    "Provider=SQLOLEDB;" & _
    "Data Source=" & MSSQL_HOST & ";" & _
    "Initial Catalog=" & MSSQL_DB_NAME & ";"
    tmpCStr = tmpCStr & "Integrated Security=SSPI"
    tmpCStr = tmpCStr & _
    "User ID=" & MSSQL_LOGIN_NAME & ";" & _
    "Password=" & MSSQL_PASSWORD
    End If
    mssqlConn.ConnectionString = tmpCStr
    If Err Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, cannot connect to M$ SQL Server. " & _
    "Please edit the MSSQL constats at the beginning " & _
    "of the code." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error
    End If

    ' ADO connection to MySQL or open output file
    If (OUTPUT_TO_FILE = 0) Then
    mysqlConn.ConnectionString = _
    "Provider=MSDASQL;" & _
    "Driver=" & MyODBCVersion & ";" & _
    "Server=" & MYSQL_HOST & ";" & _
    "UID=" & MYSQL_USER_NAME & ";" & _
    "PWD=" & MYSQL_PASSWORD & ";" & _
    "Port=" & MYSQL_PORT
    If Err Then
    MsgBox "Sorry, cannot connect to MySQL. " & _
    "Please edit the MYSQL constats at the beginning " & _
    "of the code." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & Error
    End If
    Set fileout = fso.CreateTextFile(OUTPUT_FILENAME, Overwrite:=True)
    End If
    End Sub

    Private Sub ConvertDatabase()
    ' copy database schema
    Dim dmoDB 'As SQLDMO.Database
    Set dmoDB = dmoSrv.Databases(MSSQL_DB_NAME)
    DBDefinition dmoDB
    ' copy data
    CopyDB dmoDB
    End Sub

    ' build SQL code to define one column
    ' ColDefinition$(col As SQLDMO.Column)
    Function ColDefinition$(col)
    Dim cdef$
    cdef = MySQLName(col.Name) & " " & DataType(col)
    If col.Default <> "" Then
    cdef = cdef & " DEFAULT " & col.Default
    End If
    If col.AllowNulls Then
    cdef = cdef & " NULL"
    cdef = cdef & " NOT NULL"
    End If
    If col.Identity Then
    cdef = cdef & " AUTO_INCREMENT"
    End If
    ColDefinition = cdef
    End Function

    ' datatype transition M$ SQL Server --> MySQL
    ' DataType$(col As SQLDMO.Column)
    Function DataType$(col)
    Dim oldtype$, length&, precision&, scal&
    Dim newtype$

    oldtype = col.PhysicalDatatype
    length = col.length
    precision = col.NumericPrecision
    scal = col.NumericScale
    If LCase(oldtype) = "money" Then
    precision = 19
    scal = 4
    ElseIf LCase(oldtype) = "smallmoney" Then
    precision = 10
    scal = 4
    End If

    Select Case LCase(oldtype)

    ' integers
    Case "bit", "tinyint"
    newtype = "TINYINT"
    Case "smallint"
    newtype = "SMALLINT"
    Case "int"
    newtype = "INT"
    Case "bigint"
    newtype = "BIGINT"

    ' floating points
    Case "float"
    newtype = "DOUBLE"
    Case "real"
    newtype = "FLOAT"
    Case "decimal", "numeric", "money", "smallmoney"
    newtype = "DECIMAL(" & precision & ", " & scal & ")"

    ' strings
    Case "char", "nchar"
    If length < 255 Then
    newtype = "CHAR(" & length & ")"
    newtype = "TEXT"
    End If
    Case "varchar", "nvarchar"
    If length < VARCHAR_MAX Then
    newtype = "VARCHAR(" & length & ")"
    newtype = "TEXT"
    End If
    Case "text", "ntext"
    newtype = "LONGTEXT"

    ' date/time
    Case "datetime", "smalldatetime"
    newtype = "DATETIME"
    Case "timestamp"
    newtype = "TINYBLOB"

    ' binary and other
    Case "uniqueidentifier"
    newtype = "TINYBLOB"
    Case "binary", "varbinary"
    newtype = "BLOB"
    Case "image"
    newtype = "LONGBLOB"

    Case Else
    ' unknown data type, not supported
    End Select

    DataType = newtype
    End Function

    ' IndexDefinition$(tbl As SQLDMO.Table, idx As SQLDMO.Index)
    Function IndexDefinition$(tbl, idx)
    Dim i&
    Dim tmp$
    Dim col 'As SQLDMO.Column
    ' don't deal with system indices (used i.e. to ensure ref. integr.)
    If Left$(idx.Name, 1) = "_" Or Left$(idx.Name, 5) = "hind_" Then Exit Function
    ' index type (very incomplete !!!)
    If idx.Type And SQLDMOIndex_DRIPrimaryKey Then
    tmp = tmp & "PRIMARY KEY"
    ElseIf idx.Type And SQLDMOIndex_Unique Then
    tmp = tmp & "UNIQUE " & MySQLName(idx.Name)
    tmp = tmp & "INDEX " & MySQLName(idx.Name)
    End If
    ' index columns
    tmp = tmp & "("
    For i = 1 To idx.ListIndexedColumns.Count
    Set col = idx.ListIndexedColumns(i)
    tmp = tmp & MySQLName(col.Name)
    ' specify index length
    If Right$(DataType(col), 4) = "BLOB" Or Right$(DataType(col), 4) = "TEXT" Then
    tmp = tmp & "(" & IIf(col.length < 255, col.length, 255) & ")"
    End If
    ' seperate, if more than one index column
    If i < idx.ListIndexedColumns.Count Then tmp = tmp & ","
    tmp = tmp & ")"
    IndexDefinition = tmp
    End Function

    ' build SQL code to define one table
    ' TableDefinition$(tbl As SQLDMO.Table)
    Function TableDefinition$(tbl)
    Dim i&
    Dim tmp$, ixdef$
    ' table
    tmp = "CREATE TABLE " & _
    NewDBName(tbl.Parent) & "." & MySQLName(tbl.Name) & vbCrLf & "("
    For i = 1 To tbl.Columns.Count
    tmp = tmp & ColDefinition(tbl.Columns(i))
    If i < tbl.Columns.Count Then
    tmp = tmp & ", " & vbCrLf
    End If
    ' indices
    For i = 1 To tbl.Indexes.Count
    ixdef = IndexDefinition(tbl, tbl.Indexes(i))
    If ixdef <> "" Then
    tmp = tmp & ", " & vbCrLf & ixdef
    End If
    tmp = tmp & ")"
    ' engine
    tmp = tmp & " ENGINE " & TABLE_ENGINE
    ' characterset
    tmp = tmp & " CHARACTER SET " & CHARSET
    ' collation
    If COLLATION <> "" Then
    tmp = tmp & " COLLATION " & COLLATION
    End If
    TableDefinition = tmp
    End Function

    ' build SQL code to define database (all tables)
    ' DBDefinition(db As SQLDMO.Database)
    Sub DBDefinition(db)
    Dim i&
    Dim sql, dbname$
    dbname = NewDBName(db)
    sql = "DROP DATABASE IF EXISTS " & dbname
    ExecuteSQL sql
    End If
    sql = "CREATE DATABASE " & dbname
    ExecuteSQL sql
    For i = 1 To db.Tables.Count
    If Not db.Tables(i).SystemObject Then
    sql = TableDefinition(db.Tables(i))
    ExecuteSQL sql
    End If
    End Sub

    ' copy content of all M$ SQL Server tables to new MySQL database
    ' CopyDB(msdb As SQLDMO.Database)
    Sub CopyDB(msdb)
    Dim i&
    Dim tmp$
    ExecuteSQL "USE " & NewDBName(msdb)
    For i = 1 To msdb.Tables.Count
    If Not msdb.Tables(i).SystemObject Then
    CopyTable msdb.Tables(i)
    End If
    End Sub

    ' copy content of one table from M$ SQL Server to MySQL
    ' CopyTable(mstable As SQLDMO.Table)
    Sub CopyTable(mstable)
    Dim rec ' As Recordset
    Dim sqlInsert$, sqlValues$
    Dim i&, recordCounter&
    Set rec = CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
    rec.Open "SELECT * FROM [" & mstable.Name & "]", mssqlConn
    ' build beginning statement of SQL INSERT command
    ' for example: INSERT INTO tablename (column1, column2)
    sqlInsert = "INSERT INTO " & MySQLName(mstable.Name) & " ("
    For i = 0 To rec.Fields.Count - 1
    sqlInsert = sqlInsert & MySQLName(rec.Fields(i).Name)
    If i <> rec.Fields.Count - 1 Then
    sqlInsert = sqlInsert & ", "
    End If
    sqlInsert = sqlInsert & ") "
    ' for each recordset in M$SS table: build sql statement
    Do While Not rec.EOF
    sqlValues = ""
    For i = 0 To rec.Fields.Count - 1
    sqlValues = sqlValues & DataValue(rec.Fields(i))
    If i <> rec.Fields.Count - 1 Then
    sqlValues = sqlValues & ", "
    End If
    ExecuteSQL sqlInsert & " VALUES(" & sqlValues & ")"
    ' counter
    recordCounter = recordCounter + 1
    If MAX_RECORDS <> 0 Then
    If recordCounter >= MAX_RECORDS Then Exit Do
    End If
    End Sub

    ' data transition M$ SQL Server --> MySQL
    ' DataValue$(fld As ADO.Field)
    Function DataValue$(fld)
    If IsNull(fld.Value) Then
    DataValue = "NULL"

    Select Case fld.Type

    ' integer numbers
    Case adBigInt, adInteger, adSmallInt, adTinyInt, adUnsignedBigInt, adUnsignedInt, adUnsignedSmallInt, adUnsignedTinyInt
    DataValue = fld.Value

    ' decimal numbers
    Case adCurrency, adDecimal, adDouble, adNumeric, adSingle, adVarNumeric
    DataValue = Str(fld.Value)
    If Not InStr(DataValue, ".") > 0 Then
    DataValue = DataValue & ".0"
    End If

    ' boolean
    Case adBoolean
    DataValue = IIf(fld.Value, 1, 0)

    ' date, time
    Case adDate, adDBDate, adDBTime
    DataValue = Format(fld.Value, "'yyyy-mm-dd Hh:Nn:Ss'")
    Case adDBTimeStamp
    DataValue = Format(fld.Value, "yyyymmddHhNnSs")
    Case adFileTime
    ' todo

    ' strings
    Case adBSTR, adChar, adLongVarChar, adVarChar, adLongVarWChar, adVarWChar, adWChar
    DataValue = "'" & Quote(fld.Value) & "'"

    ' binary and other
    Case adGUID
    DataValue = HexCodeGUID(fld.Value)
    Case adLongVarBinary, adVarBinary
    DataValue = HexCode(fld.Value)

    End Select
    End If
    End Function

    ' converts a Byte-array into a hex string
    ' HexCode$(bytedata() As Byte)
    Function HexCode(bytedata)
    Dim i&
    Dim tmp$
    tmp = ""
    For i = LBound(bytedata) To UBound(bytedata)
    If bytedata(i) <= 15 Then
    tmp = tmp + "0" + Hex(bytedata(i))
    tmp = tmp + Hex(bytedata(i))
    End If
    HexCode = "0x" + tmp
    End Function

    ' converts a String into a hex string
    ' HexCode$(bytedata() As Byte)
    Function HexCodeStr(bytedata)
    Dim i&, b&
    Dim tmp$
    tmp = ""
    For i = 1 To LenB(bytedata)
    b = AscB(MidB(bytedata, i, 1))
    If b <= 15 Then
    tmp = tmp + "0" + Hex(b)
    tmp = tmp + Hex(b)
    End If
    HexCodeStr = "0x" + tmp
    End Function

    ' returns name of new database
    ' NewDBName$(db As SQLDMO.Database)
    Function NewDBName$(db)
    If NEW_DB_NAME = "" Then
    NewDBName = db.Name
    NewDBName = NEW_DB_NAME
    End If
    End Function

    ' quote ' " and \; replace chr(0) by \0
    Function Quote(tmp)
    tmp = Replace(tmp, "\", "\\")
    tmp = Replace(tmp, """", "\""")
    tmp = Replace(tmp, "'", "\'")
    Quote = Replace(tmp, Chr(0), "\0")
    End Function

    ' to translate MSSQL names to legal MySQL names
    ' replace blank, -, ( and ) by '_'
    Function MySQLName(tmp)
    tmp = Replace(tmp, " ", "_")
    tmp = Replace(tmp, "-", "_")
    tmp = Replace(tmp, "(", "_")
    MySQLName = "`" & Replace(tmp, ")", "_") & "`"
    End Function

    ' either execute SQL command or write it into file
    Function ExecuteSQL(sql)
    fileout.WriteLine sql & ";"
    If Left$(sql, 6) <> "INSERT" Then
    End If
    mysqlConn.Execute sql
    End If
    End Function

    ' this event procedures starts the converter if it is run as a VB6 programm
    Private Sub Form_Load()
    End Sub

    ' converts a GUID string into a hex string without format
    Function HexCodeGUID(bytedata)
    Dim tmp$
    If Len(bytedata) = 38 Then
    tmp = Mid(bytedata, 2, 8) + Mid(bytedata, 11, 4) + Mid(bytedata, 16, 4) _
    + Mid(bytedata, 21, 4) + Mid(bytedata, 26, 12)
    tmp = "00"
    End If
    HexCodeGUID = "0x" + tmp
    End Function

    ' uncomment the following lines if you are using Office 97,
    ' which does not have the Replace function include; please
    ' note that this Replace function is much slower than the
    ' built-in version in Office 2000/VB6
    ' to replace all occurrences of a string within a string
    ' Function Replace(tmp, fromStr, toStr)
    ' Dim leftOff&
    ' Dim pos&
    ' leftOff = 1
    ' Do While InStr$(leftOff, tmp, fromStr) > 0
    ' pos = InStr$(leftOff, tmp, fromStr)
    ' tmp = Left$(tmp, pos - 1) + toStr + Mid$(tmp, pos + Len(fromStr), Len(tmp))
    ' leftOff = pos + Len(fromStr) + 1
    ' Loop
    ' Replace = tmp
    ' End Function

    Ref: http://kofler.info/uploads/mysql/mssql2mysql.txt


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