• Common Command

    Common Command

    Some of the Common system command are as follow:

    1. Date : to display date and time

    2. Cal : to display the calendar

    3. Cal 11 2006 : display the calendar of Month 11 and year 2006

    4. Clear : To clear the screen

    5. ls : to list directory contents

    color identification

    blue : Directories

    White : Files

    Green : Executable files

    Red ; Zip files, rpm, tar file

    Different switches used with “ls” command

    ls –l or ll : used for long listing including file and directory permission

    (-) : file

    (d) : Directory

    (l) : Symbolic link

    ls –a : shows all hidden files and directory. Any file followed by (.) is hidden file

    ls –al : show all hidden files and directory with long listing or whole description

    ls –d : shows all the directory

    6. pwd: Print working directory

    7. who am I : display the information of current terminal

    8. who : display all the terminal in a network

    9. history : it shows all the command your have used.

    By default history stores last 1000 command which u have run. If u want to change

    # vi /etc/profile

    HIST SIZE =10

    Save and exit

    # history –c ( to clear all the previous command reside in history)


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