• Representation Of Media Devices

    Representation Of Media Devices:

    All the device file are stored in /dev/

    Hard disk ; /dev/hdx

    Where x is

    a : /dev/hda : Primary master

    b : /dev/hdb : Primary slave

    c : /dev/hdc : Secondary master

    d : /dev/hdd : Secondary slave

    In case of SCSI, Sata or USB we will use : /dev/sda








    to access partition of windows in linux

    #mount –t vfat /dev/hdax /mnt

    in order to check the label of any partition

    #e2label /dev/hdax

    where x is number

    Mounting CD Rom

    # mount –t auto /dev/hdc /media/cdrom

    -t : file type

    auto : file type

    in order to check where cdrom is attached we can open the file fstab

    #vi /etc/fstab

    now in case of RHEl 3.0 we have to use command in order to unmount.

    # umount /media/cdrom

    and then eject the cdrom

    in case of RHEL 4.0 we simply type

    # eject

    Mounting Floppy

    #mount –t auto /dev/fd0 /media/floppy

    in case of floppy we have to umount first then only we remove floppy otherwise all content of floppy may be lost or floppy may be physically damaged.

    # umount /media/floppy

    Mounting USB media :- directed by the kernel as SCSI device


    Vi Editor:

    Using vi , we can create or modify any file


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